MTO, Policy and Planning Division


The Policy and Planning Division, in coordination with the Highway Standards Branch in Provincial Highways Management Division, is responsible for development and management of policies related to weights and dimensions for vehicles.

Included In Groups

MTO - Ministry of Transportation of Ontario

Associated Inventory

MTO Road Network Performance System

Operational Concepts

AreaRole and Responsibility
Archived Data SystemsCollect transportation related data (e.g, traffic volumes, accidents) to provide basic data quality, data privacy, and metadata management.
Support transportation planning based partially on the statistical analysis of transportation usage and trends.
Sharing data with other archived data systems in Canada and along the border - either transfering the data or providing catalogs of the data housed in each archive to create a virtual data warehouse.
Provide data to authorized users upon request.
Establish and maintain a system for authenticating users.
Policy and GuidanceSet policy for the province relating to goods movement and commercial vehicle operations.
Enact provincial regulation relating to vehicle licensing, permitting, safety standards.
Provide guidance and direction related to goods movement strategies.