Interface: Commercial Vehicles - Airport Intermodal Terminals

Architecture Flow Definitions
container transfer location (Existing)
Location within an intermodal facility that a container is to be received at or delivered to; may include guidance as well as location.
container transfer location request (Existing)
Request for the location within an intermodal facility for the transfer of a container.
entry permission (Existing (Partial))
Permission for a commercial vehicle to enter an intermodal transfer facility.
entry request (Existing (Partial))
Request by a commercial vehicle for permission to enter an intermodal transfer facility.
exit permission (Existing (Partial))
Permission for a commercial vehicle to leave an intermodal transfer facility.
exit request (Existing (Partial))
Request by a commercial vehicle for permission to leave an intermodal transfer facility.
pass/pull-in (Proposed)
Command to commercial vehicle to pull into or bypass inspection station.
request tag data (Proposed)
Request for tag information including credit identity, stored value card cash, etc.
vehicle identification (Existing) Applicable ITS Standards
Identification of a commercial vehicle to an intermodal terminal for the purpose of entrance and exit control, guidance, and safety monitoring.