Interface: Ontario Ministry of the Environment Hazardous Materials Spills Action Centre - Municipal Police Dispatch

Architecture Flow Definitions
emergency plan coordination (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
Information that supports coordination of emergency management plans, continuity of operations plans, emergency response and recovery plans, evacuation plans, and other emergency plans between agencies. This includes general plans that are coordinated pr
incident command information coordination (Existing (Partial)) Applicable ITS Standards
Information that supports local management of an incident. It includes resource deployment status, hazardous material information, traffic, road, and weather conditions, evacuation advice, and other information that enables emergency or maintenance perso
incident report (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
Report of an identified incident including incident location, type, severity and other information necessary to initiate an appropriate incident response.
resource coordination (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
Coordination of resource inventory information, specific resource status information, resource prioritization and reallocation between jurisdictions, and specific requests for resources and responses that service those requests.
transportation system status (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
Current status and condition of transportation infrastructure (e.g., tunnels, bridges, interchanges, TMC offices, maintenance facilities). In case of disaster or major incident, this flow provides an assessment of damage sustained by the surface transpor