Interface: International Bridge or Tunnel Toll Administration - MTO TIS Data Exchange Server and Archive

Architecture Flow Definitions
archive requests (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
A request to a data source for information on available data (i.e. "catalog") or a request that defines the data to be archived. The request can be a general subscription intended to initiate a continuous or regular data stream or a specific request inten
archive status (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
Notification that data provided to an archive contains erroneous, missing, or suspicious data or verification that the data provided appears valid. If an error has been detected, the offending data and the nature of the potential problem are identified.
toll archive data (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
Data indicating toll facility usage and pricing schedules. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.
toll data (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
Current toll schedules for different types of vehicles as well as advanced toll payment information.
toll data request (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
Request made to obtain toll schedule information or pay a toll in advance. The request can be a subscription that initiates as-needed information updates as well as a one-time request for information.
toll probe data (Proposed) Applicable ITS Standards
Aggregate probe data derived from electronic toll collection operations. Data collected could include vehicle speeds and travel times for a given link or collection of links.