Interface: Fleet and Freight Management Systems - Logistics Systems

Architecture Flow Definitions
container delivery confirmation (Proposed)
Notice confirming the arrival and transfer of control of a container at a container handling facility, for example an intermodal terminal.
container location (Existing)
The location of a container, to sufficient accuracy to allow efficient container management.
container pickup confirmation (Proposed)
Notice confirming that a container has been picked up at an intermodal facility and that control has been transferred to a shipping or drayage agency.
container pickup request (Proposed)
Request for permission to pickup a container at an intermodal transfer facility.
container status (Existing)
Measures from systems on-board the container, possibly including refrigeration, shock measurement, controlled atmosphere sensing and any other systems that support special needs of the cargo.
freight data request (Existing)
Request for location of a freight shipment or for data from the sensing systems on-board the container. The request may require the requestor to authenticate their identity.